Thursday, June 08, 2006


Watch this movie call "16-blocks" few weeks ago. An action movie, but not those that has a lot of special effects. Not much explosive either. But the storyline is good, meaningful, better than M-I 3, and with slighly unexpected ending. Nobody is really a good guy in this movie, everybody has done something bad, it is just whether anybody know it.

The part that stuck in my mind after watching this movie, is what Eddie (the witness) said at the early part of movie. He said "SIGNs". Many signs. Signs are everywhere. Left, right, front back, everywhere, there are sign. Good sign? Bad sign?

SIGNs. There are many things happen nowaday. Earthquake, tsunami, wars, rumors of wars, things that we never seen or heard before, things that are not common become common, things that are common become rare? Why?? What are these all about? Are they signs to warn us something, to tell us something is going to happen? Are these "Good" sign or "Bad" sign?

When Jesus was asked when the End of the time will come. He gave them signs. And these are the signs for us to tell when the end will come..... (Mat 24). These signs are everywhere now. Are they bring us good or bad, it all depends on who we react to those signs. Do we close our eyes and pretend they are not there? Are we using our own strength to try to stop the sign or to reverse the sign? Or, Are we Are we taking them seriously, search our heart and get closer to God? These sign can be a BAD SIGN for us if you don't stay close with God. And they can be a GOOD SIGN for us if we stay close to God.


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