Friday, January 06, 2006

Youth Camp Highlight -- Day 2

Day 2 (Dec 15th) started with morning exercise led by Daniel Choong, then followed by devotion (prayer time) led by Seet Yuan.

Next we had our 1st breakfast of Youth Camp prepared by our breakfast team led by Mei Wan. Team members were Rachel Choong, Eunice, Roy and Raymond. We had miro, tea, and assorted biscuits as breakfast.

After the breakfast, we had a warm up game called "Murderer". Ops... Some violence game? Don't worry, No action involved except blinking the eyes, rolling the eyeballs..Etc. Each team took their turns to be polices, and figured out who among the rest were murderers or VCD sellers. There was also a savior there to raise those were killed by the murderers.

Second session was led by Mei Wan. The topic that she shared was "Follow Me". The bible story involved was about Peter and the rest of fishermen who caught nothing but later caught a lot of fishes when Jesus asked them to do it again. The Key message was that even we have a lot of tools, a lot of talents, a lot of resources, we won't be able to achieve anything if God doesn't involve. The most important thing is to set our priority right and to put God first in EVERYTHING we do. Mei Wai was really steady. This was not her first time to share. Alright, will get her to share more. Hmm... How about teaching in Children Hour? hehehe....

Oh! By the way, we had a surprised visit form sister Amy!!!! Thank God that she was there, otherwise, our lunch would be one hour late.

After the session, we had some spare time to work on Day 2 project before the lunch. Each group was to build a 3D structure with all the materials that had been given to them and whatever they could find. The topic is "Light of the World". Each group was given a light bulb with wires and batteries. That means the structure that they built had to be able to shine in the dark. Wow, need some science class students here.

After lunch, we had an outdoor worship followed by games!!!!

First, we had "Greatest Gift of All". It is actually some skill competition. Like eating tomatoes, alfafa grass, celery, bitter tea, doing algebra calculation, picking up beans with chopstick, writing with legs and memory tests.
Key highlight: Daniel Choong's leg-writing is better than his handwriting. haha.

Second game was "Station Game". We had 5 stations.
-1st station: Blowing Candles. Station master: Mei Wan.
-2nd station: Protecting The Egg (protecting the egg from breaking when dropped it from 2nd floor). Station master: Ah Kiong
-3rd station: Charade. Station master: Daniel Choong.
-4th station: Bible Quiz. Station master: Seet Yuan
-5th station: Song Composing (only the lyrics). Station master: Sam.
Chiew Yi was the time keeper and me... hehehe... taking all the funny shots.

Key highlights:
- Although Jia Ming is so thin but yet he has the strongest lung. He blew off the most candles.
- Roy is so big size but he couldn't blow off any candle.
- Somebody put down "Moon Gate" as one of the 12 gate on the wall of Jerusalem! I thought moon gate is at Penang Hill?
- One group composed the song in 3 separate modules at the same time and yet these 3 modules carried the same meaning. And one of the module was in mandarin.

After the station game, we moved to the beach for the next activity: "Beach the Good News." Each group had to build a sand structure that tells the Good News.
Below is their masterpiece. From left ot right: Triumph, EYE, & Dream Chaser.

Next activity was "Captain Beach Ball". It was actually captain ball but using the beach ball and suppose to play on the beach. However, because it is high tide, we moved to the open field instead. Again, Jia Ming was the hero in this game. Nobody can beat him in his swift movement.

Ok, time to clean up, take the dinner and find free time to work on day 2 project before session 3 start.
Agnes left us this time as she had her wisdom tooth operation on the next day :(

After the worship, we had a quick game before session 3. This was rated the most excited game of the camp: "5-fold ministries". This game was played with color cards (we need 5 colors so we used "Amen" cards). Red -> prophet; blue -> pastor; green ->teacher; purple -> apostle; and yellow -> evangelist. Everybody was given a card and had to hold the cards up so that others could see. The person in the center would draw a card and shout the ministry name. Those who had the same ministry had to exchange seat, including the person in the center. Whoever couldn't find the seat would be the one to draw the next card. By the way, when "evangelist" was called, everybody had to move because evangelism involve everybody!. Got it?

Seet Yuan was sharing in session 3 on "Rejoice". The bible character involved was Job. She also shared about her own testimonies. Oh! That was so touching. The key message was rejoice in all situations. When we face persecution, respond "G.R.E.A.T"ly.
Gabriel joined us in time for session 3 and managed to contribute to his team's day 2 project.

Lastly, we had Day 2 project presentation to end the day. From left to right, Dream Chaser, Triumph, & EYES
Alright, that's all for day 2. What a long day.

For day 2 photo, clink here


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