Friday, January 06, 2006

Youth Camp Highlight -- Day 3

Day 3 (Dec 16th) started with rain. Morning exercise and devotion were moved to indoor. Got to pray hard for a good weather, otherwise, the outing would have to be cancelled.

Day 3's breakfast was milo/tea and egg sandwiches. The breakfast team had started to prepare the egg the night before. The sandwiches were really nice.

After breakfast, we had some warm up games. First we had "Picking Up The Beans" competition. Everybody took their turns to pick up red beans with chopstick from a bowl of beans which include red, green and black beans. Not that easy though, you got to make 5 turns before you count start picking up the beans. The second game was "5-fold ministry" again. They just love this game even until today.

Sam shared in session 4 about "Shining your light". Key message was we will only know how bright we can shine when we are in the darkness. Darkness is also created by God for a His glory. Light always win over darkness. We need to draw close to God so that our light can continue to shine.

After session 4, we had Day 3 project briefing. This was not a group competition project but rather for the youths to present a sketch as one. The story for the sketch was "Turning in the Storm", written by sister Amy. We had invited Bro Paul, Bro EngHuat, Bro David Teh and his family to be our audiences and to give some comments for the presentation at night. Most of the youths were participated in acting part. Some, led by Raymond involved in constructing and setting up the props. We managed to squeezed some time for our first practice before lunch time.

After lunch, it was our outing time. Our first destination was Butterfly farm, then followed by Spice Garden. But, the sky was dark, and the wind was strong.... Per plan, we had 4 vehicles for the trip, but before we started our journey, we had to abandon Raymond's car due to some problem with one of his tire. hai....

Thank God! When we reached the Butterfly farm, the sky was clear and the rain had stopped. And we got a discount for the entrance fees. The butterfly farm was really beautiful and full of butterflies.

Zoe was so afraid of all the inserts in the butterfly farm. And those boys grabbed all the opportunities to frighten her with butterflies. So bad.

After spending about one hour in Butterfly farm, we moved on to Spice Garden. Thank God for the favor, we got a very good discount for the entrance fee. Now the weather was really perfect. No strong sunlight, cool breeze. It was like Cameron highland weather. The scenery in the Spice Garden was really beautiful. The boys enjoyed the Giant Swing very much. We were lost for a while because one of the red arrow on the floor was misplaced. After climbing out the hill though the fern terrain's, we spent quite sometime in the cafeteria at the top of the hill which overlook the sea. We were having fun trying some special spicy drinks, taking some photos, and having some fellowship.

After one and a half hour in Spice Garden, we were back to the camp site, bath, rest, and managed to squeeze some time out to practice for the sketch before and after the dinner. While we were having our last practice, wow! The audiences had arrived. To our surprise, pastor and sister Joy arrived as well! Oh no!!.

Finally, the sketch was up on the "stage". It was about 25min long. All acted very well, and we had special sound effect (crying) by Oliver. Too bad, no photo was taken during the acting because I was busy with the video cam. :p. The audiences were thumbs up with the performance. Bravo to every youth here.

After the acting, we had the pre-recorded testimonies from Joe, Elaine and Willaim. Forgot the mention that we also had Abigail's voice recorded testimonies on Day2.

After the Lord's Supper, we had birthday celebration. Poh Nee's birthday was on the next day (17th). Since everybody was so excited, we celebrated the birthday for Oct, Nov and Dec. The cake was yummy.

Next activity suppose to be free form fellowship, but since it was heavy rain outside, so we decided to stay in the hall and play some games.

First we had the "Guess Who". This was fun. Some were so nervous that they forgot their opponent's name even they were in the same group/room for the past 2 days. Some were confused about Jun Ni and Jun May, Chin Hun and Chin Chin. To our surprise, Rachel forgot Raymond's name! Oliver was the fastest and had the highest hit rate. Did he prayed before the curtain came down?

Next we had "5-fold ministries" again!. This was the third time we played this game. It was really exciting. Gabriel screamed at the top of his voice and made everybody nervous. While E-Hun and Ah Kiong was fighting for a seat, Gabriel was laughing until he rolled down from his chair, and E-Hun took his chair!!.

Last, we ended the day with prayer of blessings.

For day 3 photo, click here


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