Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Puzzle Story 1

This is not about a big jigsaw puzzle, but rather the story of a small piece in a puzzle.

In a big puzzle box, one of the pieces in a jigsaw puzzle box was wondering... "Who am I? Why I look so different then the others? Am I an alien here? Seems like I am not belong groups here......"

The day has come that the owner of this puzzle box decided to put all these piece together, frame it up and hang on the living room of his new house. When he opened the box and poured out the pieces, this miserable piece found its way out and hid itself at the corner of a sliding door. Miserably, kept thinking of where it belongs to.

The owner put in all his effort and concentration to put all the pieces together to form the picture that he has long waiting for. Finally, he stretched his body, took a deep breath. "This is awesome." While admiring at the beautiful picture something caught his eyes. "Oh no!" he has missed out one piece.

Immediately, he stood up, shook his body, checked his pockets, turned over the box, lifted up the carpet, searching for his missing piece but he found none. His heart sank. His mind screamed, "where is my missing piece, where is my missing piece..." He decided, he would not let this beautiful puzzle remain unfinished. He need to find this missing piece. No matter how long it took, he would not give up.

1 hour passed... 2 hours passed. He was tired. His eyes were red. He has searched through every corner and every inch of his house. He found none. "Where?!" He wondered. Looking at the unfinished puzzle, his tear started to form. He touched the puzzle. Running his finger through the empty hole where the missing piece should be. "No, I won't give up, I must find it." strengthened himself, he started the search again. Under the table, between the cushion, above the cupboard, behind the TV sets, curtains, fans, windows......

Suddenly, his eyes was drawn to the dark corner of the sliding door. He couldn't believe it. He thought his heart has stopped beating, everything around him has frozen. The missing piece! "I found it!" He shouted with the top of his voice. He rushed to it, picked it up, shook of the dust. He held it tight in his palm, fearing that he might loose it again. He ran to the unfinished puzzle. Slowly, carefully, he placed the missing puzzle in the empty hole. It fit perfectly.

The missing piece was shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes. The tears of gladfulness in the owner's eyes. The gradient of joyfulness on the owner's face. Lying in the palm of the owner, he felt the love that he never felt before. He couldn't believe how precious he is in the eyes of his owner. He was so full of shame and guilt for running away and caused the pain and sadness to his owner.

Lying comfortably on the puzzle board, he looked at himself and the rest of the pieces around him. Side by side, they held each other tightly and firmly. Every piece fit to others perfectly. Suddenly, he was proud of himself, and proud of being part of the puzzle. Together with other pieces, they have formed a very awesome picture. Without anyone of them, the picture will just look awful.

He smiled. He knew he was at the right place, a place that specially designed for him and him alone. He made up his mind. He would never leave this place again.

He smiled. Looking at the beautiful picture. It is perfect now.

stay tune for puzzle story 2


Blogger Hepzibah The Watchman said...

Loved your puzzle story.

December 01, 2005 2:09 PM  

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