Thursday, January 05, 2006

Youth Camp Highlight -- Day 1

Finally, on Dec 14, we had our youth camp started. Great! A good weather as a start.

Forgot to mention that the theme for this year is "Light of the World"

Last minute, 2 girls dropped off and 3 small boys joined in. No choice :( we had to reshuffle the room. Squeezed the girls to make one room for the boys. Sorry girls. But I think they enjoyed sharing the beds.

When we reached the camp site, wow! the wave is really high and rough. Oliver asked whether Tsunami will come! Oh, please, say something positive! Need to ban him from giving negative comment. hehe

First we had the opening prayer from Bro Beh, Bro Paul and Pastor . Then we had some rules and regulartion briefing, followed by group and room arrangement.

This years we had 3 groups, each group had a leader and a coach who is form 6 and above. And we had a uniq combination this year. Majority of camper who aged between 15 to 17 were chinese educated girls and majority of camper aged below 14 were boys!!!

Next, each groups were to come out with their group name and logo. This is what we had: 1) Triumph, 2) EYES (eyes only for God), 3) Dream Chaser.

Then we had some briefing about Day 1 project. Instead of a big puzzle project that lasted for 3 days as last year, we had one small project per day this year. For the Day 1 project, each group was given a story book written by Sister Amy, and they were to come out with a sketch.

After everybody found their way to their room and put down their stuffs, we gathered in the main camp hall and started our first activity. Yeah!!!

The first games was "Know one another". This game was played using UNO cards, and each round we have a topic to know about others. E.g. favorite food, favorite subject, favorite TV shows, etc. If you got a UNO card that is the same color as one in the team, you had to say out the favorite of whatever of that person, the faster one got to give all the cards from the slower one.

Second game is "Tramped on Snake and Scorpian". HaHa... so biblical ah? It is actually stepping on balloons on others legs. Funny part is when the whistle was blown none of them moved because they were soo afraid that their balloon would burst because of their movement.

Next we have "Water Volleyball". The ball is water balloon. Kiong and Daniel C took a long time to fill up all these balloons and they were burst within a few seconds :(. This round, Oliver and Chin Han is the best catches. Wait till you see the video.

Then we have battleship game (similar to those we play on board) but using water balloons as bomb. Oliver has a suicide bombing on himself. haha!

After all the fun and laugh, everybody went back to their rooms to bath, rest, prepare for the project, have the dinner and get ready for the night praise and worship, and followed by our first session.

Alright! Daniel Choong took the 1st session. He shared about "Repentance". Bible characters involved were Esau and David. The key message was repentance has to sincere and it involves changing of our heart and turns away from sins. Daniel was kind of nervous at the begiining but getting better later. Some funny mistake here. Oliver said Esau is Abraham's son! and Daniel said Beesheba is David's soldier's son!!! But mistakes were corrected on the spot. hehehe.

After the session, discussion about Psalm 51, worship, prayer, we had communion. Due to lack of cups, some of us use bowl instead. HAHA.

Alright, it is time for Day 1 project presentation!!!. Hard to describe here. But all the actings were capture in the video.

First we have "Triumph" to present the sketch on "Adam's Song", then followed by "Dream Chaser" to present an Inhalation story (forget the actual name), last we have "EYES" to present "Slim Chances". The sketches were really great. We found some talented actors and actresses. They are Angie, E-Hun, Oliver, Daniel Boey, Poh Nee and Yvonne. And I rated Rachel Choong as best director!. (This is my view only, doesn't represent the view of all Youth camp commitee. :P).

We found few surprises here as well. 1) Roy is good in acting as well. 2) E-Hun can sing and play the guitar at the same time!!! And now he want to be a guitarist!!!

Ok, thats all for the day. Had a good night sleep and prepared for day 2.

You can view all the Day 1 pictures at


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