Thursday, June 15, 2006

Over The Hedge

This is a great animation. It has been so long that I haven't seen any animation that good story line, good moral, good meaning and so much fun.

There is so much thing to think about inside the movie.
1. Human live to eat. We drain ourselves and our pocket just to eat more. And yet we still have to pay for the consequences of eating too much!! Isn't this contradict? Do we really need to eat so much? Is it because of the desire to eat or is it because of the desire to buy things, to swallow something, to keep our stomach full to have a false sense of satisfaction?

2. RJ, the family of one. This guy was suffering from lost. He lost his family, and because of that he close himself up and be a lone ranger. He taught that he has his emotion under control. Little did he know that the genuine love of others animals has soften his heart and touches the hungry of love in his heart. Everyone need love, a genuine love, a sacrificial love, an unconditional love. And only this love can break the most harden heart of this world. At the end, RJ found the love that he longed for.

3. Verna (Turtle): He took care of everyone in the family, led them, guide dthem, adviced them. He knew what is right and what is wrong for the family. He loved everyone in the family eventhough they didn't agree with him. He took the responsibility to protect every single one in the family. He would do just anything to protect his family member. He's like a father in the family. Have we ever question our father's decision? Have we ever fight against "the hedge" that our father put around us in order to protect us? They might be over cautious, or too protective but their intention is for our good, not his.

4. The Hedge. What? Hedge? Yes, The hedge. The hedge is there to isolate the animal, in another way it also protect them. God's commandment is like the hedge around us. We are save as long as didn't cross over the hedge, as long as we are under His wing. Then where's the freedom then. Freedom exist in obedience. Within the protection of the 'hedge', there is freedom. Do you think there is freedom over the other side of the hedge? See what those animals got. They enjoyed at the beginning. They thought they were free to do anything other there. But what happen at the end? The freedom isn't that free anymore when the truth was revealed.

A lot more to say. Each animal has a special character .... but... got to stop now. May be continue next time.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Watch this movie call "16-blocks" few weeks ago. An action movie, but not those that has a lot of special effects. Not much explosive either. But the storyline is good, meaningful, better than M-I 3, and with slighly unexpected ending. Nobody is really a good guy in this movie, everybody has done something bad, it is just whether anybody know it.

The part that stuck in my mind after watching this movie, is what Eddie (the witness) said at the early part of movie. He said "SIGNs". Many signs. Signs are everywhere. Left, right, front back, everywhere, there are sign. Good sign? Bad sign?

SIGNs. There are many things happen nowaday. Earthquake, tsunami, wars, rumors of wars, things that we never seen or heard before, things that are not common become common, things that are common become rare? Why?? What are these all about? Are they signs to warn us something, to tell us something is going to happen? Are these "Good" sign or "Bad" sign?

When Jesus was asked when the End of the time will come. He gave them signs. And these are the signs for us to tell when the end will come..... (Mat 24). These signs are everywhere now. Are they bring us good or bad, it all depends on who we react to those signs. Do we close our eyes and pretend they are not there? Are we using our own strength to try to stop the sign or to reverse the sign? Or, Are we Are we taking them seriously, search our heart and get closer to God? These sign can be a BAD SIGN for us if you don't stay close with God. And they can be a GOOD SIGN for us if we stay close to God.