Monday, April 10, 2006

Ice Age 2

Ice is melting!!! We got to either do something or stop doing something to prevent this to happen in our real world.

Love this cartoon. So funny and the animals were so cute. And they reflected many characters that we see around us and even we ourselves.

Specially like the squirrel (Scart) who running after the acorn. So persistence, so determine, never give up. He didn't even aware that he triggered the disasters and also the one who trigger the solution. His eyes is only on the acorn. To him the acorn is his god.

How many of us has our eyes focus on God and chase after God like the Scart chased after the acorn? Many of us were easily get distracted, felt discourage for small little thing and easily give up. Our God is not like the little acorn which can slip away or snatched by others. He is always there waiting for us. It is we who let go easily.

Manny, a big guy with a big heart. He looks strong but his heart is soft. He is tough but yet he has his own fear. Forgot what happen to him in IceAge(I). He is responsible and caring but yet he has his inner zone that he won't let anybody step in including himself. He just like some of us suppress our unhappy past. We looks normal on this outside as long as nobody pull the trigger. God will allow those triggers to be pulled one by one. Only then we will have to face it and deal with it. Otherwise, we will continue to walk within our comfortable zone.

Diego, he is the guy that want friends even though he looks pretty "cold" outside. He stopped Sid from leaving and yet when Sid decided to stay he kind of keeping a distance from Sid.
The funny part of him is that he so afraid of water and yet he didn't know that cats in general afraid of water. He trust his friends and treasure the friendship and affected by his friends comment a lot. To save his Sid, he risked his life and jumped into the water, his most fear. Kind of like Diego. He knew his fear, he knew his strength. And he sacrifice for his friend. How nice if we have a lot of friends like this.

Sid, funny guy. Kind of like those who seek for acceptance and attention. When a tribal group worship him, he kind of draw to them. He felt that he was accepted there. He felt that he was a important person. But be careful! Those who worship us, admire us because of what we can give them might one day turn again us when we have nothing to offer them. They come to us not because of friendship. They just want to get what they want from us. When we can't offer them anymore, they might turn away or worst sacrifice us! Be careful when we look for friends. Good friends should be those who regardless what we have but will care, help, share in times of need, not those only come when we have something good for them.