Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Puzzle Story 2

Please read the puzzle story 1 on the previous post if you haven't.

So, what's the 2nd part of the story? It is not really a story actually but rather a real story.

Have you ever wonder who I am? Where am I? Where am I suppose to go? What am I suppose to do? Have you ever think of hiding yourself away from everything and everybody around you? Have you ever think that you have been misplaced in a wrong time, wrong place.... Everything around you is wrong?

Well, think about the little puzzle in the Puzzle Story 1. Sometimes we do feel down, insignificant, inferior... etc. We ran away from everything. We hid ourselves in a corner, pondering our own sorrowful thought.

Ask ourselves. Are we running away from what God wants us to be? Oh well, it's so hard to keep up with God's calling... It's so difficult. Hmm.... Does God wants to torture us by giving us something that we cannot do? Well, I think He just wants us to be who we really. He has made us according to his purpose. So we just be "ourselves".

Look at the pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, every pieces is unique, every pieces is made specially for a specific location. Everyone of us is liked a piece of jigsaw puzzle. We are part of God's perfect, awesome picture. Any missing piece will make the picture imperfect. Any piece that fall into wrong place will make the picture looks awful. Only when we willingly lay ourselves into the big hands of God, and let Him place us at the right place that He has designed for us, then we will feel the peace, the joy, and the satisfaction. Only then, we will able to see who we really are, and how significant we are to Him.

Like the owner of the puzzle, a missing piece made him sad and down. When we ran away from God, when we refuse to be where He wants us to be, this is how He feel. Or may be in a much greater scale which can't be described with words and letters. Every steps of walking away from Him tears His heart. He is looking for us. He is waiting for us to turn back to Him so that He can put us in the right place.

Are you in the midst of God's greatest puzzle? Or are you still running away and hiding yourself in a dark corner? He is calling .... come ....